
喜剧  西班牙  2015 

主演:巴巴拉·戈纳加 Zorion Eguileor Lander Otaola Jo 

导演:Ben Sharrock 




Unable to fly the nest due to the economic crisis that grips Spain, a penniless, young couple have trouble consummating their fledgling relationship in their parents' homes. As they become increasingly desperate to make love, they are forced to look to popular public hot spots commonly used for sex among young people, known by the locals as "picaderos". However, things are never as easy as they seem, and their relationship is quickly tested as they try to break free from the shackles of a crumbling economy. "Picadero" depicts the quiet humiliations of the economic crisis through a simple narrative that unfolds through tableaus of observational dead-pan humour.

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