失控 第二季

欧美  美国  2021 


失控 第二季的剧情介绍

奇奇影院提供《失控 第二季》720p在线播放,《失控 第二季》DVD版下载,《失控 第二季》百度云,《失控 第二季》完整高清未删减版,《失控 第二季》HD1280/HD1080p/BD720P/BD1080P/百度云蓝光高清版/在线观看

Colton Donavan lives on that razor-thin edge toward out of control. Whether it's on the track or off of it, everything he wants is at his fingertips: success, willing women, media attention. Everything that is, but Rylee. She's the exception this reckless bad boy can't seem to win over. Her heart is healing. His soul is damaged. They both know the two of them could never work. But he crashes into her life without apology-disrupting her world, testing her boundaries, and uncovering the darkness of her past. Their chemistry is undeniable. Their attraction is magnetic. Their ability to help each other heal obvious. And even though he won't let her in, there's something about Colton she can't walk away from. This is the beginning of their story. Their fight. Their perfectly imperfect love.

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